BlackBerry Messenger will have support for video calls on BlackBerry 10

According to information provided by the Crackberry website moments ago held a conference for investors from RIM, where Thorsten Heins was showing all the events, business plans and upcoming releases of the company.

Among one of the messages given was that the Blackberry Messenger messaging platform allowing expand its possibilities make video calls between users.

Blackberry Messenger is messaging platform today the most important and popular Blackberry, but it is gaining market What Sapp is one of the main reasons why many users want to buy a smartphone from the company; reason Thorsten Heins, CEO RIM took the opportunity to fix its position on the rumors that were planning to license Blackberry Messenger, ensuring that your platform is excellent, why not decide to share it.

Although the functionality of video calling is now available on Blackberry Playbook will be very interesting to use in a smartphone from RIM.