Procedure DOWN GRADE OS (Wipe BB dengan JL_CMDR) on Blackberry

OS bb remove it at once .. then in any bw who enter in accordance with the handheld type of course. There is also a running friend blackberrians wipe with JL_CMDR before the OS upgrade (sometimes necessary, sometimes guns necessary).

so, here's how .. after finishing a few steps below, continuing with the procedure in OS UPGRADE TIPS

1. Install jl_cmdr.exe

2. Data Backup

3. Run jl_cmdr

4. Will be asked "This BlackBerry ™ lock with a password?

4a. If you select yes and then typing password

5. Select the menu number 4. Wipe with the press no. 4

6. Type the blackberry

7. Your handheld will wipe process

8. Your handheld will have a code 503

JL_Cmder what?
JL_Cmder stands is JavaLoader Commander. JavaLoader is a command line tool imaginable on the BlackBerry. JL_Cmder simplify the use of perintah2 (commands) that are often used in JavaLoader.

JL_Cmder can be anything?
1. deviceinfo - handheld displays info.
2. eventlog - handheld displays the event log.
3. screenshots - make clear what dong (OS 4.0.2 + required)
4. wipe - Removes OS handhelds (also siy guns, but a trivial like that)
5. resettofactory - Eliminate IT Policy. (OS 4.3 + required).
READ MORE - Procedure DOWN GRADE OS (Wipe BB dengan JL_CMDR) on Blackberry

Applications exclaimed: SHE - Screen Capture for blackberry

What price She applications?
She described the application on this site is licensed freeware application Milby
If you want the application with additional features She, Sam She suggested to use a licensed commercial applications

Does She is available in the installer application OTA (over the air)
Yes, available in

How to install the application She?
OTA installers use by:
on the home screen: select the browser
in the browser: select menu, then Go To
on go to: type
then select Download
after downloaded successfully, select OK
do stage configuration:
on the home screen: select Options
at Options: select Advanced Options
on Advanced Opions: choose Applications
On Applications: choose she, press Menu, select Edit Permissions
On the Permissions: select (expand) Interaction, change the Screen Capturing: Allow
Save the configuration by selecting Menu, then select Save
She is now ready to use application

How to remove (uninstall) the application She?
On your Blackberry:
on the home screen: select the Options application
at Options: select Advanced Options
on Advanced Options: select Applications
on the application list: choose she, then press the Menu (BlackBerry symbol)
on the menu: select delete
delete the question "she"?: select delete

How to do screenshots in addition to using the icon on the home screen She?
We can use the buttons at left / right BlackBerry (left / right convenience key), by setting as follows:
on the home screen: select the Options application
at Options: select Screen / Keyboard
on the Screen / Keyboard: select left / right / center convenience key that will be used
on Option Choice on the right, select the application Milby
do save when exit the menu Screen / Keyboard
Now you can take screenshots at any time by pressing the button on the left / right handheld your BlackBerry

What are the additional features on the commercial application of she?
Storage can be arranged on the device memory / microSD
Storage can be arranged using the name / names sorted
Safe use this type of image that is more optimal than the current (BMP), is being developed using a type JPEG / PNG
Screenshots process can be scheduled (using an additional application scheduler)
READ MORE - Applications exclaimed: SHE - Screen Capture for blackberry

download firmware blackberry here

good morning for you, whether you are currently looking for firmware for the blackberry? I am just simply sharing with you who is currently seeking firmwareb blackberries, this time you do not have to hesitate anymore because this firmware has been wrapped in a package so it will be easier, for ye who need please download links below:

Download here
READ MORE - download firmware blackberry here

BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) 3.0 Now Up and Running

Just like we reported it would happen last week, BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) 3.0 is now up and running, thanks to Research and Motion engineers. The work was done early this morning, which is why the lot of North Americans did not notice any issues.

So now that BIS 3.0 has been running without a hitch, it’s time for the changelog, courtesy of RIM:

* Coming soon: Enhancements to Google Mail integrations
o Google Mail Account to BlackBerry smartphone synchronization of read, unread and sent email message status for new Google Mail integrations
+ Note: this feature will be added throughout the Spring 2010 by region
* Enhancements to the Google Mail Plug-in
o Create and delete labels from the BlackBerry smartphone
+ Note: The Google Mail Plug-in requires BlackBerry® Device Software 4.5 or later and a Google Mail integration, using Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), within BlackBerry Internet Service.
* Additional Language Support for Basque, Catalan, Galician, Romanian
* Increased Attachment Compatibility
o OpenDocument Presentations (.odp)
o OpenDocument Spreadsheets (.ods)
o OpenDocument Text (.odt)
o OpenDocument Text Templates (.ott)
o Windows Media Audio (.wma)
* Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (xHTML) Support for non Thick Clients
BlackBerry Internet Service 3.0 is designed to support xHTML for non Thick Clients, providing BlackBerry smartphone users with a richer user experience, allowing for buttons, additional fonts, and colour controls when subscribers access and toggle their user settings.
Device Switch Revalidation
Changes to optimize the email setup and deactivation experience when the subscriber switches BlackBerry smartphones or Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards.
* Hosted Email Address Passwords
Allows BlackBerry smartphone users to re-claim the BlackBerry email address if their BlackBerry Internet Service account is ever deleted.

Note: After BlackBerry Internet Service 3.0, only newly created BlackBerry email “Username/Password” accounts will be prompted to create a password, secret question, and secret answer.
* Send Delivery Receipts
BlackBerry Internet Service users now have the ability to configure whether to allow sending delivery receipts or not.

Perhaps the most-anticipated feature when it comes to BIS 3.0 will be rolled out gradually, as noted in the text above. Enhanced Gmail integration will be arriving this Spring, region by region. No particular order was announced.
READ MORE - BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) 3.0 Now Up and Running

Blackberry Storm PCB

to see more details blackberries, we not only from the outside only, but also we must know the inside, for that I showed parts of the existing hardware in the blackberry storm
READ MORE - Blackberry Storm PCB

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