Download New BlackBerry Messenger 5.0 officially released

Like Blackberry? So would you be happy, BBM RIM finally the 5.0 release. Our team heard that it was published 7th October. But all are waiting for all BlackBerry fans to stop them. When a new BlackBerry Messenger comes

BlackBerry Messenger lets you chat and shares funny stories, pictures, videos and more individual contacts or groups of friends at once.

BBM 5.0 Features:

* Enhanced SMS -Allows for a conversational chat-like user experience with a single contact list for the most personal mobile-to-mobile communications
* Note: BlackBerry Device Software 5.0 and later is required for the SMS functionality.
* Avatars - Users can choose a picture from the BlackBerry Smartphone gallery and save it as their personal avatar, which will be seen by their contacts. They can also view other avatars in the contact list and zoom in on the avatars of contacts participating in a conversation by selecting "View participants."
* Large Media File Transfer - Users can send/receive large file transfers up to 6 megabytes for pictures, files and audio.
* Note: BlackBerry Device Software 5.0 is required to receive large media files.
* Enhanced Group Functionality - Allows for the ability to update, share & communicate with a subset community.
* Bar-code Identity - A user can add a contact to the BlackBerry Messenger contact list by displaying a 2-dimensional bar code that invitees can capture with their device cameras.
* Reliable Contact Backup and Restore - Contacts are backed-up on a server and do not require the need for BlackBerry® Desktop

Download BlackBerry Messenger 5.0

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