vidieo watch on blackberry without streaming

Your blackberry may not proficient in English or your wifi does not work? blackberries in other words you can not stream, so you can not watch the vidieo on your blackberry, let the tips below is a vidieo of how to watch your blackberry without sreaming,

1. open a browser and enter the site
2. select the video you want to download
3. if it ktemu video you are looking for, point the cursor on the text title of the video (usually in addition to video images)
4. make sure the hand-shaped cursor (not the arrow), then press the menu button and find the menu 'link address' and press the trackball
5. select 'copy address'
6. then went into
7. youtube url in the column, press the menu and select paste
8. click download (make sure the link was not formatted and
9. select the desired video format for blackberry ... the street is 3gp
10. well .. waiting download stayed right and open the media player

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