Procedure DOWN GRADE OS (Wipe BB dengan JL_CMDR) on Blackberry

OS bb remove it at once .. then in any bw who enter in accordance with the handheld type of course. There is also a running friend blackberrians wipe with JL_CMDR before the OS upgrade (sometimes necessary, sometimes guns necessary).

so, here's how .. after finishing a few steps below, continuing with the procedure in OS UPGRADE TIPS

1. Install jl_cmdr.exe

2. Data Backup

3. Run jl_cmdr

4. Will be asked "This BlackBerry ™ lock with a password?

4a. If you select yes and then typing password

5. Select the menu number 4. Wipe with the press no. 4

6. Type the blackberry

7. Your handheld will wipe process

8. Your handheld will have a code 503

JL_Cmder what?
JL_Cmder stands is JavaLoader Commander. JavaLoader is a command line tool imaginable on the BlackBerry. JL_Cmder simplify the use of perintah2 (commands) that are often used in JavaLoader.

JL_Cmder can be anything?
1. deviceinfo - handheld displays info.
2. eventlog - handheld displays the event log.
3. screenshots - make clear what dong (OS 4.0.2 + required)
4. wipe - Removes OS handhelds (also siy guns, but a trivial like that)
5. resettofactory - Eliminate IT Policy. (OS 4.3 + required).

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