Blackberry Hidden Keys

Blackberry Hidden Keys, who I'm talking about here are the secrets behind the buttons on the blackberry, maybe some blackberry users already know, but many also do not know about it, for it please review belowBlackberry Hidden Keys- ALT + LEFT SHIFT + H, ALT + RIGHT SHIFT + DEL, and "buyr" in the Option already know it well ...- ALT + type L, G, L, G, L, G: print event log, for debugging usefull- Type ALT + N, M, L, L: print the signal bar in the number (once again u type / back)- Type ALT + ESCAPE: switch beetween applications- Type "test" in Options> status: self diagnostic test- Type "myver + (space / enter)" on any input text (sms, yahoo, email, etc): BB + OS version - Type "ld + (space / enter)" in (ditto) above: tampilin dates and days now- Type "lt + (space / enter)" in (ditto) above: display current time (very useful for ym ama ping)- Type "mypin + (space / enter)" in (ditto) above: print PIN fitting hh asked (no clay status)

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