Install APP Playbook BlackBerry using a MAC

Install APP Blackberry Playbook using a MAC, I aimed for those of you who currently use Mac. os may be slightly different from the other, all right straight to the problem

Turn on the Playbook, enable development mode in the Settings> Security

1. Make sure the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) already installed on the Mac. Check in Applications / Utilities
2. Download Playbook Tools from Hatax

3. Extract the downloaded file, put in place / folder that are easy to remember

4. Move all the contents in folder 'lib' folder 'Playbook_Tools'

5. For convenience, taro all files '*. Bar' in 'Playbook_Tools'
6. Run a terminal

7. Use the command "cd" and navigate to the folder 'Playbook_Tools'
cd desktop cd

8. Run command
java -Xmx512M -jar "BarDeploy.jar" -installApp -device THEDEVICEIPHERE -password THEDEVICEPASSWORDHERE

Terminal will initialize the installation, and run through the progress Donezo

Need to remember I am not responsible for damage caused in this way, but I'm sure it does not matter if the appropriate procedures

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