How to Backup Data and Application Blackberry Almost 100%

Backing up your data from blackberry to date has not been found who could do the same up to 100%
Emang why with the way Backup "normal" from the Desktop Manager?
* Data are terbackup but not 100% ...
* Data terbackup who are: Address Book, SMS, Emails, Settings, and Bookmarks
* YG-not to backup? Applications, Themes ... In fact it is quite important as well ... at least save time ...

Then let the solution come terbackup Applications and Themes?

1. Enable Desktop Manager
2. Plug BB into your PC
3. Select Menu Backup & Restore
4. Select Menu Transfer Device
5. Select PIN BB backed up ... and who would run the process until she was asked who would be moved BB
6. Up to this point ... stop the process ... and please close the Desktop Manager

7. Open Windows Explorer ... and get into the folder C: \ Documents and Settings \ username \ Local Settings \ Temp
8. Notice the folder named in accordance with BB PIN you ... then copy it to My Documents folder
9. Now open the My Documents ... and notice there is also a file whose name:
LoaderBackup-(date). IPD
Rename this file with a memorable name, example: Backup_8820_20090411.ipd

Applications Restore first ...
1. To restore the data ... Open the Desktop Manager
2. Plug BB into your PC
3. Select App Loader
4. Select Add New
5. Click Browser
6. Open the My Documents folder ... folder ... and select the file PIN [pin]. ALX
7. Later will come the list of results Applications and Themes Backup

Restore Data ..
1. From the Desktop Manager
2. Select the Backup & Restore
3. Select Advanced
4. Click File ... Then select Backup_8820_20090411.ipd ...
5. Then select all your data backed up who want ... then click the Alert ">>"


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