for those of you who blackberry Z10 no signal or mobile network invisible
This can happen at any time , if according to personal experience , this happens because I do not succeed reload to .1627 ( broken file . Due to my pc). Results. Mobile Network invisible or can not be shifted on or off.
Read the tutorial below this note:
1. Z10 connect to pc / mac > when it appears at BB Link > open tab Z10 > Back Up First > BB link if requested updates > update your Z10 > waiting finished downloading > that is, it will restart and reboot yourself > do nothing to Z10 is ready to be played > see its existing carrier
Q = no updates to install the OS does not exist?
A = If not, you must download the early version of OS Z10 respectively.
Q = if directly to the leaked os should not?
A = allowed, but I do not know whether the carrier will recover back again or not, because at that time I followed step 1.
Tips for Blackberry Z10 Mobile network Invisible above is a personal experience, so if you follow the steps correctly, then your problem will be resolved. May be useful
READ MORE - Blackberry Z10 Mobile network Invisible? here the solution
This can happen at any time , if according to personal experience , this happens because I do not succeed reload to .1627 ( broken file . Due to my pc). Results. Mobile Network invisible or can not be shifted on or off.
Read the tutorial below this note:
1. Z10 connect to pc / mac > when it appears at BB Link > open tab Z10 > Back Up First > BB link if requested updates > update your Z10 > waiting finished downloading > that is, it will restart and reboot yourself > do nothing to Z10 is ready to be played > see its existing carrier
Q = no updates to install the OS does not exist?
A = If not, you must download the early version of OS Z10 respectively.
Q = if directly to the leaked os should not?
A = allowed, but I do not know whether the carrier will recover back again or not, because at that time I followed step 1.
Tips for Blackberry Z10 Mobile network Invisible above is a personal experience, so if you follow the steps correctly, then your problem will be resolved. May be useful