Turn on the Playbook, enable development mode in the Settings> Security
1. Make sure the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) already installed on the Mac. Check in Applications / Utilities
2. Download Playbook Tools from Hatax
3. Extract the downloaded file, put in place / folder that are easy to remember
4. Move all the contents in folder 'lib' folder 'Playbook_Tools'
5. For convenience, taro all files '*. Bar' in 'Playbook_Tools'
6. Run a terminal
7. Use the command "cd" and navigate to the folder 'Playbook_Tools'
cd desktop cd
8. Run command
java -Xmx512M -jar "BarDeploy.jar" -installApp -device THEDEVICEIPHERE -password THEDEVICEPASSWORDHERE your_app_here.bar
Terminal will initialize the installation, and run through the progress Donezo
Need to remember I am not responsible for damage caused in this way, but I'm sure it does not matter if the appropriate procedures
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