below are the procedures to install the language asian countries

step 1
open the C> program files> common files> research in motion> shared> loader files
nah there for the OS that has a description "allang" in its installer
eg v4.6.1.xx-8900-alllang-Pxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
continue, go to that folder, find CJK.alx, and copy the folder to the desktop java (not to desktop)

step 2
into DM> app loader> add program> browse, search for files CJK.alx

install the required language pack only, because simply eating places

New Storm2 Screen Technology - PIEZO ELECTRIC

So-known of the new technology on display Storm2
a) When turned off, the screen in a fixed position. We can suppress them, but the screen will not move. (Like the iPhone)
b) If it is turned on, when we push on the screen, part of our reply screen to dial moving down (we can physically see displaynya move)
c) The screen was made of solid glass. So when we pressed it, the sensation that we really feel in the fingers are like the storm 1. The screen does not like the foam (crooked on the part of our push), such as storm 1, the screen is glass smooth and hard, but we can feel certain parts of it that we press, and made the sound "click" is typical.
d) In Storm2, we can multi-press. At 1 storm, there is a small button located in the middle under the screen. This means that once you click on one part of the screen, then we can not click anywhere else before we release the click and they will be pressed again. In Storm 2, we can click on one spot (eg the alt key), get the feeling had been punched, remain in detention, while squeeze in another key and get the other feeling the squeeze.
READ MORE - New Storm2 Screen Technology - PIEZO ELECTRIC

hard reset procedure for dopod 900

You may need to reset your Pocket PC Phone. Normal (or soft) reset of your device clears all active program memory and shuts all running programs. This can be useful if the device is running slower than usual, or not working the program correctly. Soft reset is required after the installation of some programs. When soft reset is performed when running programs that are stored data is lost.

You can also called a hard reset (also known as a full reset). Hard reset should be performed only if a normal reset does not solve the system problem. Restored if a hard reset the device to its default settings, as was the purchase of the first IT and switched on. All programs installed, data you entered and to adapt to the loss. Only Windows Mobile software and other preinstalled programs will continue.

To perform a soft reset

• Use the stylus to lightly press and hold the RESET button on the
left side of your device.
The device restarts and displays the Today screen.

Warning! Always turn off your device before performing a soft reset or
installing/replacing the battery and SIM card.

To perform a hard reset

• Press and hold both SOFT KEYS shown enclosed by circles in
the picture below. Keep these keys pressed, and at the same
time, use the stylus to lightly press and hold the RESET button
on the left side of your device. Press either 0 to restore to factory
default or X to exit the hard reset process.

READ MORE - hard reset procedure for dopod 900

Removing IT Policy in BlackBerry

IT Policy
IT Policy means any restriction or limitation in the use of BlackBerry.
Example restriction, for example, can not download attachments, can not connect bluetooth, can not install additional applications.
IT Policy Sometimes just simply appear by default, but operationally no limit at all. To check whether the current IT Policy or not:
Options - Status - type "BUYR" . later will appear en Voice Usage Data Usage
If it appears . IT Policy Enabled . This means that the new IT Policy On .

How to eliminate it? His condition to OS version 4.3 upwards

--install JL_CMDR
if you do not have please DOWNLOAD HERE

Double-click the icon JL_CMDR, the screen will appear as follows:
Press any key

If you dipassword BB, press Y, if not dipassword press N.

BB Enter your password (if using a password), then press ENTER

Next will appear a warning:
Press Y to do Wipe, or N to cancel.

Type: blackberry on the next screen to confirm the wipe

wait for the process is complete, then you have the BB wipe
if the BB screen appears "Error 507", not to worry, please go to desktop manager - application loader to re-install your BB.
READ MORE - Removing IT Policy in BlackBerry

Changing the icon on the blackberry EMAIL

1. prepare icon that will be used to email account

2. search code would be changed emails, such as Gmail, go to options / advanced options / service book / search his email address, then go and see her UID, for example for, UID is GBISXAPC00S02.

3. wearing BB scout files, go to: store.appdata/rim/bda/icons/GBISXAPC00S02 (according to example No. 2)

4. iconnya paste here, then rename iconnya into 1-80-80.png. when previously there was another icon, just overwritten by this icon

NOTE: SPECIAL TO THE BLACKBERRY STORM: pasting into 1-73-73.png. for any icon size should be adjusted, because if fixed 80x80, would in fact too big

5. when finished, restart and enjoy

download some icon here
READ MORE - Changing the icon on the blackberry EMAIL

free theme for blackberry storm who want to make look nice blackberry

Your users blackberry storm? if you want a blackberry storm you have to look good? if so you have time for this theme because this theme appears very interesting and I am sure that with this theme you do not want to escape from your blackberry storm, what do you want to have it ? fine then please download for free,

Download here
READ MORE - free theme for blackberry storm who want to make look nice blackberry